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Flight attendant helped deliver ‘magical’ baby girl shortly after take off

Talk about precious cargo!

An expectant mother went into labor on a plane mid-flight last week – with the airline praising the crew member who delivered the tot for soaring to new heights.

A Brussels Airlines flight that had just taken off from Dakar in West Africa quickly turned into a delivery room when the mom-to-be alerted the cabin crew that she was in severe pain, the airline posted to social media.

Flight attendant Jennifer Joie helped an expectant mother give birth mid-flight.
Flight attendant Jennifer Joie helped an expectant mother give birth mid-flight. flyingbrussels, /Instagram

Jennifer Joie, a flight attendant on the flight, quickly realized the passengers’ stomach cramps were contractions. She notified the cockpit and travelers before jumping into action, with the help of a doctor and a recent nursing grad onboard, the airline said.

“Moments later, her water broke,” the airline shared on LinkedIn, adding that the Belgium-bound flight had turned back to Dakar.

“The first few moments were tense–was she okay? Was she breathing? And then, the most beautiful sound filled the cabin: her first cry. A doctor on board confirmed she was healthy, and relief washed over everyone.”

The airline shared a photo of the tender flight attendant holding baby Fanta in her arms as the plane landed, with the baby’s mother resting next to her.  

The mid-air birth happened on a Brussels Airline flight traveling from West Africa to Belgium.
The mid-flight birth happened on a Brussels Airline flight traveling from West Africa to Belgium. Markus Mainka –

Joie, who is also a mother, said the experience was “magical.”

“As a cabin crew member, you train for everything, even childbirth–but nothing prepares you for the real thing,” she said, the airline shared.

“But we stayed calm, worked as a team, and followed our procedures. It was magical. If I hadn’t become a cabin crew member, I think I would have been a midwife.”

The company, which is the largest airline in Belgium, hailed Joie for her professionalism, calling the mid-air miracle a moment that she’ll never forget. 

“Stories like these remind us that being cabin crew is more than just flying – it’s caring for people, no matter the situation,” the airline said.

“It was a true reflection of teamwork, care, and the extraordinary moments that happen in the sky,” the company posted to Instagram

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