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Five fixes for baseball-loving nerds to reform MLB

This one is for the nerds. You know who you are. And I am here to declare, unabashedly: I am one of you. I spend hours trapped on YouTube watching grainy old football games. I study song lyrics as if they were the Dead Sea Scrolls. When I see a movie I like, I drop into a rabbit hole until I know every minute detail about that movie.

And I am, and forever will be, a baseball nerd.

It is an essential part of my DNA. When I was in the ninth grade, I became friends with Matt Cornetta because he was the only other kid I knew who could recite every World Series winner, and how many games it took them to win it. When I see a number, I immediately think of the baseball player most closely associated with it.

I wouldn’t agree to marry my wife until she showed a basic understanding of the scoring system in baseball: 1 = pitcher; 2 = catcher, and so on.

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