Be ready to get caught in the web of Cassandra, our very own Madame Web. Swing by your local cinemas now to catch Madame Web on the big screen!
Cassandra Webb is a New York City paramedic who starts to show signs of clairvoyance. Forced to confront revelations about her past, she must protect three young women from a mysterious adversary who wants them dead.

Movie Review (no spoiler)
Madame Web, the fourth entry in the Sony’s Spider-Man Universe brings us a different take on a complete new group of heroes in the heart of New York. I need to caution the readers that when going to watch the movie, keep an open mind. This movie is about Madame Web and her role as a protector to three young women who will play a much greater role in future…hopefully. If you are expecting Peter Parker / Spider-Man to swing in and catch a crook, you will sadly be disappointed.
I firmly welcome the new take on the Spider-Women within Marvel. Since Across the Spider-Verse I have pondered the question on whether we will get a chance to see any of the Spider-Women on the big screen and also the ‘How?’. I have always seen Cassandra Webb / Madame Web play a motherlike and protector role. I personally think Dakota Johnson played her part excellently well in that sense.
Sydney Sweeney, Isabela Merced and Celeste O’Connor plays the parts of Julia Cornwall, Anya Corazon and Mattie Franklin and delivers a breath of fresh air. They are teased to play big roles in the future, according to the villain in the movie. The new villain of the movie, played by Tahar Rahim, provides a thrilling experience at first but gets taken down too easily at the end.

Madame Web provided a good introduction to a new character, which is Madame Web, but sadly doesn’t provide any promise of continuity and linkages with any of the existing movies within the current universe. A few easter eggs in the movie point to another beloved Marvel character, but I would have loved to experience more of Cassie’s web and the chance of a teaser for the other heroines of the movie since there are still so much stories left to tell. There is unfortunately no post-credits scene, which was a let down, considering Madame Web is part of the Sony Spider-Man Universe and continuity is what many are hopeful for. I’m curious if we get to see continuity later in the form of a sequel or even a cameo of Cassie, Julia, Mattie and / or Anya in any other production.
I rate this movie 3 out of 5.
The trailer doesn’t spoil too much of the storyline. Make sure to catch at a big screen near you.
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