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Trump needs Congress’ help, the cycle of herky-jerky politics and other commentary

Economy watch: Congress Needs To Curb Inflation

Without Congress’ help, warns Reason’s Veronique de Rugy, President Trump “will fail to deliver on his promise to the American people to bring prices down.” Inflation’s now on the rise: “At the current rate, the dollar will lose 33 cents of purchasing power within a decade” even as the “Congressional Budget Office’s 10-year projections from January show the national debt growing over $23.9 trillion.” And “if Trump and Elon Musk are serious about sending people checks based on the savings DOGE finds, the extra cash in our pockets” could “inflame inflation” even as “Trump’s trade policy may obstruct the fight against higher prices.” The prez can’t sweep inflation under the rug with executive orders; he needs Congress to curtail spending, fast. “The time for responsible monetary and fiscal policy is now.”

Conservative: Will GOP Repeat Dems’ Mistake?

“Donald Trump’s shock troops are bro fist-bumping, having used their online influence to browbeat GOP senators into confirming most of the president’s nominees,” notes The Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley A. Strassel. “They might be careful of the political conformity they wish for.” Democrats, after all, are now “wandering somewhere between the desert and the wilderness,” as the left’s “takeover” of their party led to the “Trump thumping” that “left them without power.” Yes, some Dems “rolled out of the election acknowledging the urgent need for a change in direction — for moderation,” but they immediately crashed into their left-wing base. “This could be MAGA’s future” if it “mistakes the goal of party unity” with “the tyranny of party conformity.” “Look how it worked out for Democrats.”

Centrist: Break The Cycle of Herky-Jerky Politics

“I am not saying that the supposed cancellation of Dr. Seuss is why we have a second Trump term,” grumbles Alexander Nazaryan at UnHerd, but that controversy illustrates “our ineffective, herky-jerky politics,” whose “main goal” is undoing “whatever the other side has been doing.” This “constant whiplash between political and cultural extremes” isn’t “what Americans want.” Most people seek “normal, but normal seems to be increasingly elusive in American politics” as we’re locked in a cycle of “reaction-counterreaction politics.” Moderate politics is “attractive,” because it “accurately” reflects “where most Americans stand on most issues.” But “who will have the courage to change this state of affairs, the courage to be moderate?”

From the right: Bewildering Trumpy Assist for Tate Bros

The “details of how” alleged sex traffickers Andrew and Tristan Tate returned to America after travel restrictions were lifted in Romania “are pretty obscured,” but it “looks like a coalition power play from the Trump administration” that has disturbed many, fumes the Washington Examiner’s Emma Fuentes. Note the “irony” that “an administration obsessed with the injustice of hidden information about one sex trafficker,” Jeffrey Epstein, “could be the champion of another.” And “the argument could be made that the Tates are worse than Epstein.” That the Trump team “likely had a hand in the Tates’ release is bewildering, to say the least,” but “the administration’s value system is clear: The grander scheme of fixing government operations is higher than the value of principles.” 

Mideast desk: Pals Dehumanized Themselves

“Pseudointellectual demagogues talk about ‘the dehumanization of the Palestinians,’” thunders Uri Kurlianchik at National Review, but “ignore the fact that it took 40 years of hard work and butchery to numb Israeli society to the suffering of [Israel’s] enemies.” “In the decades since the lofty dreams of Oslo, we’ve seen Jews torn to pieces with bare hands because they accidentally strayed into Ramallah in 2000” and “little girls butchered in their beds in Itamar in 2011.” “Then October 7 came, the ultimate exhibition of atrocities, the ultimate barbarity” — “overwhelmingly supported by the broader Palestinian population.” “When you treat people with pitiless barbarity for decades, don’t expect them to be compassionate toward you forever. And when your society celebrates the murder of an infant, you have dehumanized yourselves.”

— Compiled by The Post Editorial Board

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